Monday, July 7, 2014

Day 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7

Ok, so I didn't stick to my promise to blog daily about this challenge...the week ran away from me and I was too tired to chase it.

So instead, here's my rundown now!

Week 1 went pretty well. I only meditated 3 times (I just couldn't be bothered and really didn't think 10 mins of meditating would do me any good - red flag!) but I managed to do 5 studio practices and 1 home practice as instructed.

Nutrition wise - I didn't really change anything. There is no eating plan for this project but the recommendation is to cut out caffeine, sugar, bread and alcohol. I cut out one of the four and didn't have a bevvie all week. Which was of course not hard as I am practically a teetotaler now anyway. (I say practically as I have decided the odd glass here and there in a safe environment won't hurt me.)

I answered the self-enquiry questions about my ultimate purpose in life, my dreams etc.

So I'd give myself a 5 out of 10 for Week 1. I think I did really well on the yoga component, but not so good on the eating and meditation parts.  Monday to Thursday, I ate pretty healthy but as usual on the weekend, I got stuck into some 'rot-gut' as my elders would say.

Yesterday I felt shocking with a headache and nausea for most of the day and today I feel much the same. Straight away I start stressing that it's something to do with my blood clot (as a scan a couple of weeks ago showed that there is still a pesky clot super-glued onto my left upper lung). But maybe I'm just overdoing it? Or maybe all the crap I ate on the weekend is causing the sick feeling? I'm not sure but all I know is I hate feeling off-colour.

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