Day 2 of the wondrous Easter long weekend and I'm bedridden. Got a nasty cold that is forcing me to do zilch. I slept all day yesterday, with my Blue Russian nestled into my legs, keeping me warm and my fever at bay.
I had grand plans for this weekend. This was gonna be the weekend where I finally unpacked my boxes and therefore completed my journey of moving into my parent's house - a move that started six months ago and is embarrassingly still ongoing.
After unpacking, removing excess clutter and generally tidying the house so it no longer looks like an episode of Hoarders, I was going to clean it from top to toe, removing every trace of dust and mildew.
Instead, I'm in bed catching up on downloaded movies and my favourite TV show at the moment - American Horror Story Asylum. It's phenomenally good TV!
Oh well, sometimes when your body demands rest, your will must comply. Maybe I'll make a miraculous recovery by tomorrow or Monday and be able to begin my journey towards cleanliness.
On a more positive note, I'm still a non-drinker with almost no desire to drink. I say almost because occasionally I see someone drinking a nice cold beer or glass of white wine and I think, that's looks delicious. But then my next thought is, yeah it looks delicious but I don't want to feel that woozy drunk feeling. Even just a little bit...this is so weird. It's like I've been possessed by a teetotaller!
I guess its a good thing. Ok, I know its a good thing, its just that anyone who knows me well, knows that I'm very partial to a drink. I'm like a sure thing when it comes to partying. If someone wants a good night, they know they can always rope Lizz into downing a few bevies with them and dancing the night away.
But you know what? I can dance whenever I want to and what I want most out of this life, right now, is to write.
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